Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tech Interview

My partner and I did our tech interview with our cooperating teacher. It was really interesting to see the different technological resources that are available in today's schools. Each teacher has their own computer in their room, with a network drive that they can save all of their documents to. There were two computer labs in the school and a mobile Mac lab that the students could bring into their classrooms to use. Each classroom was equipped with a T.V. where they watched the morning announcements. The school did not have a lot of extra technology applications on their computers, but our cooperating teacher had purchased a few programs he had on his computer that were really interesting and seemed to be very practical for classroom use. The downside was that the students could only interact with it as a class on the Teachers computer, and not every individual student. Our cooperating teacher was talking to my partner and I about their mobile Mac lab and told us that the school had the computers for a year before they were able to use them because the school district did not have anyone that could provide tech support for a Mac computer. I thought that was so sad, and it really helped me understand why as teachers it is so important to know about the current technology and the tools our students are using. If we don't understand how to use them we will never be able to help our students use them effectively for academic purposes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Learning Log


It has been interesting these past few weeks to be in a classroom. It has opened my eyes to a lot of things that I would have never thought about before. One thing I noticed in the classroom this week especially was the student inability to focus on the task at hand. I think in large part it is because they are only in 6th grade. I did notice though that when higher expectations were set for our students, that they were able to perform at a higher level. They just had to understand that something was expected of them and then they could usually complete that task quicker and correctly.

So What?

I think this was something huge for me to realize because in my own classroom if I have high expectations for my students and they know that they will be able to achieve higher than if they think I don't have high expectations for them. I think that I need to develop a sense for when students really don't understand a problem or a concept or when they are just being a little lazy and don't want to put forth the effort to do it. That was one of the hardest things for me to discern.

Now What?

I am excited and looking forward to the next time when I will be in a classroom and can practice on these skills a little bit more and develop other skills and areas where I am not as strong as a teacher. I think as you teach a class for a whole year and you get to know them it is easier to have that feel for a student to know when they truly are struggling, and what you can do to help that student understand those concepts they are struggling with a little bit more.

Technology in the Classroom

This past week in school our server was down and so we couldn't access the computer at all! It was a total nightmare and all of our lessons were planned around being able to use the Internet. We quickly had to make and switch over to a plan B. It made me realize how dependent we are on the technology and how easy it makes our lives! The students were in the middle of doing a research project on current events, and without the Internet they were virtually at a stand still. The students can't go to a encyclopedia to learn about a current event. It is great that students in today's classrooms know about the technology that is available to them and how to utilize it. In class we had a discussion about social studies and technology came up. One of the students suggested it was important for them to know about technology and how it benefits us because one day they will be responsible for creating new technology to aid future generations. I thought this was a profound thought from a 6th grader and it is great to see that they realize how much technology can impact society. Before the computers went down this week we had the chance to bring in the Mac lab and have all the students working on their own computer. Every single student in the classroom was engaged in the lesson and focused on what we were learning. The students were excited to be using the computers and it was amazing to me to see the difference in how focused they could be when they were given that technology to utilize. It made me realize how important it is to teach students using the tools that their generation likes to and are used to using.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Learning Log

I had another great week in the classroom and love being able to apply the things that we have been learning. I had some of my first opportunities to teach this past week and it was so interesting to work one on one with the students and to be able to understand a little bit better how their mind is working and what I can do better as a teacher to help them grasp this new concept. I have seen a lot of assimilation and accommodation and more fully understand the importance of prior knowledge in our lessons and relating it to their own lives.

So What?
I have loved the practice I have gotten this past week, and can't wait to teach more! I have learned a lot this past week and am excited to apply my new knowledge. I think it helps me understand the concepts a lot better when I see them in action and I have something concrete to remember the concept by.

Now What?
I just need to practice, practice, practice! I am glad I still have 1 year of school left before I actually have to teach. I have a lot to learn!

Integrating Technology into the Classroom

This past week we haven't used a lot of technology in the classroom. We are preparing the students to do a research project and we will have the Mac lab in our classroom for 2 days next week which I am very excited for. It will be so fun to see the students using the computers and to have them teach us a thing or two. Our cooperating teacher was gone two days this week at a workshop about using technology in the classroom, and said the workshop was awesome. He showed us a few of the really cool and practical tools that they showed him that he felt like could really be used in the classroom. The workshop was through the Jordan District. One website he showed us was www.uen.org/itc. From the main page you go to resources. I have just browsed through there and there are a ton of great things that would be very useful in an elementary classroom. I especially thought the movie maker and imovie tutorials would be really helpful. I also liked that they provided links for places to get free multimedia. As I have been in the classroom I am constantly more aware of all the possibilities there are for integrating technology into the classroom.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Learning Log

It has been great this past week being able to observe students in the classroom. Since we have been working on our field experience journals I have been keeping my eyes open for the different concepts and theories that we discussed in class.

Now What?
I have been thinking a lot more on how I can apply what I have learned about the different learning theories and developmental stages the students will go through in order to increase their learning. It has been interesting to observe the students and see where they are at and try and figure out as a teacher how I could teach them best.

So What?
I have A LOT to learn still! I taught my first lesson last week and it was so overwhelming and there were so many things that I didn't even think about before I taught, but I know that each time is a learning experience and I can only get better. It was fun to see the students respond to different techniques and I am excited for the next time I get to teach!

Technology in the Classroom

This past week in the classroom has been so fun. It has been great to see all of the technological resources that are available to the students at their school, and the efforts our cooperating teacher has made to integrate technology into his own classroom. In the classroom we are observing in they have a projector that they use for everything! I never knew that the projectors could be so useful. The Daily morning review is projected onto the board for students to work on, a quiz is projected onto the board and students do their work on their own piece of paper. Each student also put together their own PowerPoint presentation and was able to use the projector to present it to the class. The thing that was most amazing to me was that these students were so familiar and comfortable with the different technology tools they used in the classroom. I can definitely see that the students respond really well to the lessons that are given using technology and they really enjoy them. I am getting a lot of ideas for using technology in my own classroom someday. I love that a lot of worksheets that teachers would usually hand out to every student are just projected up onto the board and every student can see it and work on it on their own papers- less copies for the teacher to make!